
Authenticator App Multi-Factor Authentication

How to Setup Multi-Factor Authentication

What is it?

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an electronic verification method where a user is granted access to an application. This access is granted after the user has successfully presented multiple pieces of evidence to an authentication device.


What is the benefit?

The primary benefit of MFA is furnishing a second security layer to reconfirm a user’s identity. This 2-step process will aid in eliminating unauthorized access to the application and reduce any possible fraud.


Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication

First time access

1. After logging to your user account with your email and password, select Manage Account in your setting menu on the top right

2. On the My Account page, go to the Security tab

3. Within the Security tab, you have the option to enable multi-factor authentication by selecting the toggle

4. Select the toggle to start the enabling process

5. After selecting, you are redirected to Configure Authenticator App screen

6. You will need to download either of the following apps to your smart device:

a. Google Authenticator

b. Microsoft Authenticator

7. Once downloaded, within the authentication app, select the option to add a new application

8. You will have the option to scan the QR code or manually enter the code

a. Both options are available on the Configure Authentication Page within the eFile platform

b. You will see the partner name and email address in your authentication app once added

9. Once added to your authentication app, select the Next button on the Configure Authentication Page within the eFile platform

10. You will now be on the Verify your Authenticator page within the eFile platform

11. Enter the code that is generated in your authentication app on your smart device

a. Once entered, select the Verify button to continue

b. If the user enters an incorrect code, the following error message will appear under the text box:

1. “The code is invalid. Try again.”

12. Once a successful code is entered, you will be redirected back to the Security tab on the My Account page.


How to Generate Backup Codes

Backup codes are a set of authentication codes you can use to log into your account when you are unable to access your authentication app from your smart device.

1. Once multi-factor authentication is enabled and fully set up on your account, you will see a section for Backup codes on the Security tab.

2. Select See Backup Codes

3. You will see a list of 10 backup codes

4. You have the option to Download the codes in PDF format which is recommended because you can only see this set of codes once

5. Once downloaded, keep these codes in a secure location that only you can access

6. If you have used all 10 codes or lose your codes, you have the option of generating a new set of backup codes by selecting Generate New Codes

7. After the current set of backup codes have been used, the application allows the user to generate a new set of backup codes by selecting the “Generate New Codes” button on the My Account Security tab.



Logging in when MFA is enabled

1. When logging in each time when multi-factor authentication is enabled, you must enter your email address and password as usually

2. Once verified, you will then be asked to Authenticate your Account

3. Go to your smart device, open the authentication app

4. Find the code for you eFiling Account

5. Enter the code from the authentication app in the text field on the Authenticate your Account page

6. Select Continue

7. If valid, you will be successfully logged into your account

8. If you do not have access to your smart device, use one of your Backup Codes



Deactivating Multi-Factor Authentication

While it is recommended and provides a higher level of security, some users may want to disable the multi-factor authentication on their account so they don’t have to put in an authentication code each time they log in.

1. Once logged in, select Manage Account in your setting menu on the top right

2. On the My Account page, go to the Security tab

3. Within the Security tab, you have the option to disable multi-factor authentication by selecting the toggle

4. You will be asked to confirm you want to disable two-factor authentication

5. If you wish to continue, select the Disable button in the modal

6. Once selected, multi-factor authentication is no longer enabled on your account

7. Next time you log in, you will not be asked for an authentication code

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