
Can I use special characters when adding filers and recipients to my account?

Yes, 1099 and 1098 forms allow the following characters to be used when creating payers and recipients in your account.


a-z        Lower case letters

A-Z       Upper case letters

0-9       Digits

(-)         Hyphen

(&)        Ampersand


W-2 forms only allow:


a-z         Lower case letters

A-Z        Upper case letters

0-9        Digits

( )          Spaces

(-)          Hyphens

(.)           Periods

(')           Apostrophes


1042-S form allows:

a-z        Lower case letters

A-Z       Upper case letters

0-9       Digits

(&)        Ampersand

 (-)        Hyphen

 (,)        Comma

 (')         Apostrophe

 (/)         Forward Slash

 (#)        Pound

  (.)         Period



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